This is the simplified and Easy-Read version of Pee for Petrol. To read the descriptive original post click here. This has come from the views and suggestions expressed by most of you. So here’s the simplified version of PFPTM.
This idea and innovation is copyright and trademark protected and is the exclusive property of Mr. Mario D'Cunha and Mr. Pramod Kamath. Any violations will be strictly taken into task.
© 2010 Pee for Petrol. All Rights reserved.
Watch the entire MUTHRA-PETRO Conversion process in the following video. Here’s how it works:
If you turn the Piss-ton to the right PFP™ is activated, else the toilet is for your crap. The Analyzer analyses the source liquid (your Pee). PFP™ loves diabetic users. More the sugar, more carbon thus more the petrol generated. The source liquid moves into the Pee-Buffer, where a minimum level is required for the PFP™ to work best. Upon reaching the level, the liquid is pumped into the reaction unit.
The first part of the reaction unit is the Fractional Distillation chamber where the source liquid is separated into fractions of urea, dissolved salts and water. The distilled proportions are mixed with a catalyst, Creatinine (a top-secret compound created by our research team during those 5 years of hard work) in the Mixture-Fixture. This mixture is then compressed to 400k Pascal in the Come-Press-Soon unit and sent to the next chamber.
This chamber is the revolutionary MUTHRA-PETRO CONVERSION CHAMBER where the actual magic happens. Lets see how these elements of your Pee give us Petrol:
- Some salts pass through the Semi-Permeable Double-Layered Osmotic membrane and some don’t.
- Urea has Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen. Carbon and Hydrogen pass through the membrane.
- Oxygen in urea forms oxides with the non-permitted dissolved salts and the Creatinine catalyst. This is eliminated.
- A powerful beam of electricity is made to hit the nitrogen atoms, which decomposes it into Carbon and Hydrogen atoms. Atomic No. of Nitrogen (7) = Atomic No. of Carbon (6) + Atomic No. of Hydrogen (1)
The Carbon and Hydrogen atoms thus formed are again permitted into the cooling unit through the membrane.
The cooled mixture is then filtered to remove any unwanted substances and then we obtain the readily usable, high octane and NATURAL Petrol. Hence, you have Pee’ed for Petrol! :-)
- People will drink more water to produce petrol, save money and drinking lots of water is very good for health.
- Heavy import burden of petroleum will stop and India will be a “self reliant”, powerful nation which will progress to be a developed country soon!
- Production of refined quality and natural fuel will bring down the pollution levels drastically.
- Requires power for heating and electricity (but that’s a household utility)
- Converts only a part of the source liquid to petrol and requires a minimum amount; Not a problem in joint families!!!
So go on people, leak out and save your money, save your health and save the earth! Remember… from now on... when Nature calls, Petrol falls!
This technology is the joint venture of my friend Pramod Kamath and myself. Pee for Petrol has won the first place for a at IIT Techfest, Bombay, Jan 2010 for the most innovative idea and also at Impulse 2010 (a State Level Technical Symposium, Karnataka). In both cases here, I’m not joking… trust me!!!
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This idea and innovation is copyright and trademark protected and is the exclusive property of Mr. Mario Dcunha and Mr. Pramod Kamath. Any violations will be strictly taken into task.
© 2010 Pee for Petrol. All Rights reserved.
Blogger Labels: Petrol,Beta,Easy,Read,version,suggestions,innovation,trademark,Mario,Cunha,Pramod,Kamath,violations,task,Rights,Bought,bike,money,bunks,toilet,Haha,rite,Hmmm,Watch,petroleum,generations,friend,laboratory,MAGICAL,REACTION,product,metabolism,technology,engines,conversion,creation,resource,concept,MUTHRA,PETRO,Here,Piss,Analyzer,users,Buffer,Upon,unit,Fractional,Distillation,chamber,fractions,proportions,catalyst,Creatinine,team,Mixture,Fixture,Pascal,Come,Soon,Lets,Some,Semi,Permeable,Double,Osmotic,membrane,Urea,Nitrogen,Oxygen,Carbon,Hydrogen,atoms,Atomic,substances,NATURAL,Advantages,People,health,Heavy,India,self,nation,Production,pollution,Disadvantages,Requires,Converts,families,earth,Remember,Nature,Techfest,Bombay,Impulse,State,Level,Technical,Symposium,Karnataka,Dcunha,octane,salts