
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pee for Petrol… simplified!

This is the simplified and Easy-Read version of Pee for Petrol. To read the descriptive original post click here. This has come from the views and suggestions expressed by most of you. So here’s the simplified version of PFPTM.

This idea and innovation is copyright and trademark protected and is the exclusive property of Mr. Mario D'Cunha and Mr. Pramod Kamath. Any violations will be strictly taken into task.
© 2010 Pee for Petrol. All Rights reserved.

Bought a new bike? New car? Don’t have enough pocket money for fuel? Don’t you just hate shelling out money at petrol bunks? You can avoid that... but can you avoid going to the toilet? Haha... never rite! Hmmm... now what if every time you went to take a leak, you actually get fuel???!!! Confused?? Watch our promotional video:
At the rate we’re going today, all our petroleum deposits will last only for 42 years!! So is it really possible to preserve petrol for all our future generations?? No!!! Pee for Petrol is here to save the day! My friend and I tried to simulate this process in the laboratory for over five years, and after all that hardcore research we finally found THE MAGICAL REACTION... A reaction that uses the by-product of human metabolism, urine... colloquially called as “Pee” and converts it to Petrol. Hence, the technology Pee for Petrol (PFP™) was born!!! The petrol thus generated is a high octane, eco friendly, green petrol which works perfectly with all the existing petrol engines. The speed of conversion and creation of a resource which is exhaustible from an arguably inexhaustible resource is a revolutionary modern concept!

Watch the entire MUTHRA-PETRO Conversion process in the following video. Here’s how it works:

If you turn the Piss-ton to the right PFP™ is activated, else the toilet is for your crap. The Analyzer analyses the source liquid (your Pee). PFP™ loves diabetic users. More the sugar, more carbon thus more the petrol generated. The source liquid moves into the Pee-Buffer, where a minimum level is required for the PFP™ to work best. Upon reaching the level, the liquid is pumped into the reaction unit.

PFPLogo4The first part of the reaction unit is the Fractional Distillation chamber where the source liquid is separated into fractions of urea, dissolved salts and water. The distilled proportions are mixed with a catalyst, Creatinine (a top-secret compound created by our research team during those 5 years of hard work) in the Mixture-Fixture. This mixture is then compressed to 400k Pascal in the Come-Press-Soon unit and sent to the next chamber.

This chamber is the revolutionary MUTHRA-PETRO CONVERSION CHAMBER where the actual magic happens. Lets see how these elements of your Pee give us Petrol:

  • Some salts pass through the Semi-Permeable Double-Layered Osmotic membrane and some don’t.
  • Urea has Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen. Carbon and Hydrogen pass through the membrane.
  • Oxygen in urea forms oxides with the non-permitted dissolved salts and the Creatinine catalyst. This is eliminated.
  • A powerful beam of electricity is made to hit the nitrogen atoms, which decomposes it into Carbon and Hydrogen atoms. Atomic No. of Nitrogen (7) = Atomic No. of Carbon (6) + Atomic No. of Hydrogen (1)
    The Carbon and Hydrogen atoms thus formed are again permitted into the cooling unit through the membrane.

The cooled mixture is then filtered to remove any unwanted substances and then we obtain the readily usable, high octane and NATURAL Petrol. Hence, you have Pee’ed for Petrol! :-)

Advantages: image416

  • People will drink more water to produce petrol, save money and drinking lots of water is very good for health.
  • Heavy import burden of petroleum will stop and India will be a “self reliant”, powerful nation which will progress to be a developed country soon!
  • Production of refined quality and natural fuel will bring down the pollution levels drastically.


  • Requires power for heating and electricity (but that’s a household utility)
  • Converts only a part of the source liquid to petrol and requires a minimum amount; Not a problem in joint families!!!

So go on people, leak out and save your money, save your health and save the earth! Remember… from now on... when Nature calls, Petrol falls!

This technology is the joint venture of my friend Pramod Kamath and myself. Pee for Petrol has won the first place for a at IIT Techfest, Bombay, Jan 2010  for the most innovative idea and also at Impulse 2010 (a State Level Technical Symposium, Karnataka). In both cases here, I’m not joking… trust me!!!

If you like this post and the idea please show your support and vote here. You may also click here for free updates.

This idea and innovation is copyright and trademark protected and is the exclusive property of Mr. Mario Dcunha and Mr. Pramod Kamath. Any violations will be strictly taken into task.
© 2010 Pee for Petrol. All Rights reserved.


Blogger Labels: Petrol,Beta,Easy,Read,version,suggestions,innovation,trademark,Mario,Cunha,Pramod,Kamath,violations,task,Rights,Bought,bike,money,bunks,toilet,Haha,rite,Hmmm,Watch,petroleum,generations,friend,laboratory,MAGICAL,REACTION,product,metabolism,technology,engines,conversion,creation,resource,concept,MUTHRA,PETRO,Here,Piss,Analyzer,users,Buffer,Upon,unit,Fractional,Distillation,chamber,fractions,proportions,catalyst,Creatinine,team,Mixture,Fixture,Pascal,Come,Soon,Lets,Some,Semi,Permeable,Double,Osmotic,membrane,Urea,Nitrogen,Oxygen,Carbon,Hydrogen,atoms,Atomic,substances,NATURAL,Advantages,People,health,Heavy,India,self,nation,Production,pollution,Disadvantages,Requires,Converts,families,earth,Remember,Nature,Techfest,Bombay,Impulse,State,Level,Technical,Symposium,Karnataka,Dcunha,octane,salts

Thursday, August 26, 2010

“Saffron Terror” Hmmm…

Saffron TerrorThe term “Hindu Terror” has been around for quite sometime now on news channels, media reports, newspapers etc. I’m writing this post following yesterday when the Indian Home Minister, Mr. P. Chidambaram publicly used the term “Saffron Terror”. It was sort of making the term “official” coming from a professional like him on a public platform. Being in a Hindu-dominated country this has already raised many eyebrows… or has it? Well here are some of my reflections on this issue:

  • Why did the Home Minister use this term: Isn’t he scared that this may cause disturbance among the Hindu citizens of the country and the UPA may lose the Hindu vote? Now the BJP says that the UPA is politicizing this issue only for targeting the BJP and the RSS and thus unnecessarily insulting the holy “saffron” colour. Let’s assume that UPA is actually politicizing this! Do you think the HM, as eminent and experienced as he is, will be so dumb to do such a thing? Isn’t the Hindu voter more valuable to the UPA than pointing fingers at BJP and the RSS?
  • chidambaramHow good or bad is the HM’s bold move: I admire and appreciate the boldness of the Home Minister for coming out in public and finally terming this ‘menace’ as it ‘can’ be called. All the public has anyways seen this issue with the tern “Hindu Terror” for quite sometime now, and NO-ONE had an objection to that! But when someone from the Government says it, should that be a big problem?
  • National Awareness: I also admire the UPA government for the courage of going ahead and bringing this issue out in the public because it is a menace! This actually requires attention! The UPA government in its past 5 years had risked its chair twice centering around the Nuclear Deal and even recently during the potential Adjournment Motion in Parliament. I give it to the HM for stating the truth than just bothering about how the Hindu voter would respond.
  • Are Hindus actually offended: I don’t think so! Even since the term “Hindu Terror” had been used, there were no media reports anywhere about the people’s hatred against the term and not even so for yesterday’s HM remarks. However, from interacting with my Hindu neighbours and friends, the average Hindu is sad that these certain elements are bringing a bad name to the beauty of Hinduism that glorifies a remarkable tradition since ages! I’m so proud of all my Hindu brothers that they don’t give a shit to these “in-house” terrorists and strongly consider them irreligious. Same goes to all the Muslims all over the world for completely disregarding filthy groups like the LeT, JuD, Taliban etc. as elements that can never be part of Islam, even though those groups have used the term “Jehad” by themselves.
  • So then what is the problem: The Government is ok to use the term. The people are ok to use the term. Then who has the problem then? As of now, it’s the BJP. They are accusing the UPA for politicizing this issue and bringing a bad name to the Hindus of this country. But I’ve given an insight on this in my first point above. Is thePramod_Muthalik BJP guilty that they are forced to making these comments? I think so… very much! Take the members of the RSS for example, or Bajrang Dal or Pramod Muthalik and his goons, working under the title of “Sri Ram” Sena. If the BJP is REALLY concerned of Hindu emotions, then they should go against people like these and the misuse of Lord Ram’s name in such petty groups! The BJP being in the Hindutva soup that they always are engrossed in, I think it’s the BJP that needs to worry about the Hindu voter, and that’s why THEY are politicizing this issue against the UPA than facing the reality of the situation.
  • BJP the real terror: In a BJP dominated state like Karnataka, my city of Mangalore, for the first time in its history saw communal violence consecutively for the past three years. All these times it was either the “saffron people” against the Christians or the “saffron people” against the Muslims causing violence in the name of Lord Ram and Indian Culture! What was and what IS the BJP doing then and NOW???

Experts say that post Independence Indian Governments have ignored or have “taken it lightly” when it came to these rising terror groups for which we’re paying the price today! We have to compliment the Home Minister that he has taken this bold step to have taken a start to put an end to the emerging “Saffron Terror”. I appeal to all Indians of any religion to look at terror as “Terror” whether its Saffron, White or Green.

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Blogger Labels: Saffron,Terror,Hmmm,Beta,Hindu,news,media,newspapers,Indian,Home,Minister,Chidambaram,platform,reflections,disturbance,citizens,voter,objection,Government,National,courage,attention,Nuclear,Deal,Adjournment,Motion,Parliament,truth,Hindus,Hinduism,tradition,brothers,terrorists,Same,Muslims,Taliban,Islam,Jehad,Take,example,Bajrang,Pramod,Muthalik,goons,Sena,emotions,Lord,Hindutva,soup,situation,Karnataka,history,violence,Christians,Culture,Experts,Independence,Governments,Indians,religion,White

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Favourite Application Mascots

Mascot (1)It’s so cooler when you have an animal or some cute animated character as a mascot for your software. If you don’t get what I'm saying, then read on. Some may take it as a logo, but a logo canTweety Bird be anything, a sign, symbol or just stylized font. It adds that little extra “brand”ness to your product when you have a mascot. Here are my favourites:

1. Twitter: The tweet bird goes so well with the name twitter and embeds itself perfectly with the actual working concept of twitter. But with the enormous popularity of this tweet bird has anyone forgotten their childhood favourite Tweety?

digsby2. Digsby: This is my favourite IM, mail and social networking client and I have also written Why Digsby is the best. I like the Digsby green egg-guy for two reasons. One, its cool… just like how an IM client should be. Second, and the most important point, unlike Twitter and the following apps, Digsby has given a face to itself without having the application named after the cartoon creature.

Mascot (4)3. Seesmic: This is another IM client which I don’t like so much even though it’s pretty well known and used by many. Here too, the mascot has taken the face of this application which nowhere mentions that this application is related to a Raccoon. It took time for me to figure out whether this guy was a Raccoon and I hope I’m not wrong

Mascot (3)4. Pidgin: This is also an IM client and is pretty good too. I used to use Pidgin before Digsby, and until now its only Digsby all the way. Notice the stupid look on the Pidgin’s Pigeon :-) Just like a pigeon, but not like Pidgin!

Mascot (5)5. eMule: is one of the biggest and most reliable peer-to-peer file sharing clients around the world. Many developers contribute to the project, so the network gets more and more efficient with every new version. The mascot is pretty cool but nothing great since the general picture is obvious by the name itself.

Mascot (2)6. MailChimp: This monkey makes it easy to send email newsletters to your customers, manage your subscriber lists, and track campaign performance. Chimp uses tools like segmentation, a/b testing, and ROI tracking), and its accessible to anyone. The mascot picture is too detailed and is more of a picture than an icon. If you to their home page, you just can’t see the mascot anywhere! What a waste!

Mascot (6)[4]Last but not the least, you surely recognize the Firefox Icon, but here’s one mascot which is just too cute to ignore! This is a special animated version of the Fire”Fox” and I first saw this on the twitter account of FirefoxCares. Adorable isn’t it? Do you know of other Application Mascots? Share it with us.

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Blogger Labels: Favourite,Application,Mascots,Beta,mascot,Some,logo,symbol,product,Here,Twitter,bird,concept,Digsby,client,Second,cartoon,creature,Seesmic,Raccoon,Pidgin,Notice,Pigeon,Just,clients,Many,developers,version,MailChimp,monkey,newsletters,customers,performance,Chimp,tools,segmentation,icon,Last,Firefox,Fire,account,FirefoxCares,Adorable,Share

Create Stunning Websites with Wix, without any code!

Wix (1) 

I came across Wix just a few months back when I was searching for Flash and Flex projects for my engineering course. I was amazed to see that a thing like Wix existed but never heard many talk about it. Wix is a small but growing start-up, and it continues to evolve! Wix is the easiest way I’ve known so far, to make a stunning website of your own with your own images, own templates, own colours and own design! For the amazing websites generated from Wix, the work that goes into making them is almost negligible!!

Check this video out from YouTube which is a Quick and Simple demo to design an stunning Flash website all by yourself… of course with the help of Wix.

Here are the features of Wix which will force you to design your site there:

  • Its free! Yep. Choose your template from a huge collection of great flash templates!
  • Customize it the way you want! You can change the pictures, colours, fonts, style, ANYTHING!
  • Photography Websites can have their online portfolios; Musicians too.

With their Premium Account:

  • You can have your own domain
  • Choose to have Ads with Google Analytics
  • 14 day free trial! Absolutely no setup fee!
  • The cheapest yearly package costs about $48/year i.e. about `2200/year
  • The best configuration would cost about $150/year i.e. about `6750/year

All in all this is one good space of going creative with the least effort. Do try it especially if you have personal blogs, design blogs, interior designing, photography, etc. Everyone always try to buy the Wordpress and Tumblr themes and all I see on every application blog is updates only for Wordpress or Tumblr themes. Try this out for a change. I’m sure you’ll like it.

Remember these are only Flash and Flex websites, unlike the HTML ones from Wordpress or Tumblr. Check out the Wix Blog to keep track of their latest news & features or visit Wix.com.

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Blogger Labels: Create,Websites,Beta,Flash,Flex,templates,Check,YouTube,Quick,Simple,demo,Here,Choose,template,collection,Customize,Photography,portfolios,Musicians,Premium,Account,domain,Google,Analytics,setup,configuration,cost,effort,Tumblr,themes,Remember,HTML,Blog,news,website,colours,blogs

Earth’s Gateway to Hell

In the middle of the Karakoum desert in Turkmenistan, close to a village called Darvaza (with no inhabitants) there is a crater of about 100 meters in diameter and more than 20 meters deep, known as the Darvaza Well… also called as The Hell’s Door!

DarvazaWell (1)

Inside this well, fire has been burning for decades of years and seems never to die out! This is not a work of nature, but a result of Soviet mining prospection that started in the 50’s. In 1971, a drilling provoked the collapse of an underground cavity that revealed a hole or a gap and let out enormous quantities of poisonous gases.
The Soviets underestimated the dimensions of the cavity lit it on fire to burn the gases out! The fire which was expected to fade off within weeks has been burning uninterrupted since 1971!

DarvazaWell (3)DarvazaWell (2)

Until now, no one knows when the fire will die off. Even though the Darvaza Well is in a far off place inaccessible to many, people still come there to witness this man-made-natural wonder! Sources say that you can stand a little away from the crater only for a few minutes because of the unbearable heat!

Photos taken from: MyOpera and VirtualTourist

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Blogger Labels: Earth,Gateway,Hell,Beta,Karakoum,Turkmenistan,village,Darvaza,inhabitants,crater,meters,diameter,Door,Inside,decades,Soviet,quantities,Soviets,dimensions,Sources,Photos,MyOpera,VirtualTourist

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 ways to Jazz up your Twitter Account


You might be a new user of twitter or have been using it for quite some time. Some of you may wonder why you still don’t have enough followers, or some are just getting followed by spam. Here are some tips which will help you keep track of you account statistics and how you can make yourself look good on Twitter.

  1. Username: First of all, have a nice twitter handle or a username! Avoid underscores, 000’s etc… it should easy to type, easy to remember and most importantly it should NOT be something totally unlike you.
  2. Profile: Do the basics first. Fill in your profile properly. Update your location and your website. Most Importantly, write a good Bio for yourself, which in a few words will attract people to follow you. Don't just write some quote copied from somewhere or even worse, leave it blank!
  3. Background Picture: Yes. This is another point than just your profile. You need not have super duper ‘photoshoped’ picture as your background, but try as much as possible to keep you twitter screen attractive, pleasant and above all unique. Also take care of the colours, don’t be gaudy!
  4. Following: This is a key point. Don’t just follow any Tom Dick and Harry expecting that they will follow you. Follow only those whose tweets you really want to follow and others who you would really like on your profile.
    Here’s a warning! Don’t follow a huge number of random people with an intention they will follow you back and once they do, you want to un-follow them! If they find out that you are in this habit, they are sure to block you! Plus, your twitter reputation will take a good beating.
  5. Followers: Here you can be liberal. Just be careful of spam followers. But don’t forget, take care of your followers. They are following you for a reason that they like you or your tweets in one way or the other. So thank them for mentions, re-tweets, tweet something to them, have a chat, etc. Don’t ignore them.
  6. Don’t Tweet Nonsense Please!: Unless you are followed by a million people, a celebrity or some superstarTwitter-Icon-1 please don’t tweet things like Good morning, I’m awake, I’m drinking coffee, I'm tired, going to sleep, I am combing my hair, I’m bored, I’m happy… Well you can tweet that. I do it too! But don’t do it TOO MUCH! You will irritate all your followers.
  7. Retweets: There are two things to this. Retweeting other’s tweets and getting others retweet your tweets. Both ways should and will happen only the tweets are sensible. Don’t retweet just about ANYTHING that you think is nice. You will simply crowd people twitter timelines! And don’t tweet crap! Only if your tweets are really funny, have a strong message, nicely written, something unique… it will be retweeted. By RT’ing you can spread your twitter reach to so many others. So take care here.
  8. Publicize: Don’t only aim for publicity only on twitter. Try in other spaces as well. For example, add your twitter contact to you personal and business websites, add it in your email signatures, make a mention of it on your Facebook profile and even in your non-internet-spaces like public SMSs, business cards, etc.
  9. Unfollowed?: Want to know who un-followed you on twitter? I suggest you forget this. Those who really like your tweets will still follow you, those who don’t won’t! So there’s no need to run behind them and ask them to follow you again! However, if too many people unfollow you at once, then there might be something wrong that you may want to correct. Use sites like this to track down who has unfollowed you.
  10. Use it: Finally use twitter because you want to use it! Don’t just come on twitter and beg people to follow you, and retweet stupid tweets because you have no other work. Use it for its purpose, to build your friends network, your contacts and for your business or work purposes.
    P.S.: For heaven's sake please don’t compare it to Facebook. They both are two different things!

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Blogger Labels: Jazz,Twitter,Account,Beta,user,Some,followers,spam,Here,statistics,Username,Avoid,Profile,basics,Fill,Update,location,Most,Background,Picture,Also,Dick,Harry,intention,Plus,reputation,Just,Tweet,Nonsense,million,superstar,hair,Retweets,Both,message,Publicize,example,signatures,Facebook,SMSs,cards,Want,purpose,purposes,heaven,retweet

Emmy Awards 2010: All Winners Revealed! (Part 2)

This is a continuation from the previous post Emmy Awards 2010: All Winners Revealed! Here I want to share with you my choice on who I WANT TO win the award and who MAY WIN the award. For the entire list of nominations go here.

Lead Actor (Comedy) Emmys (1) Emmys (2)
Lead Actress (Comedy) Emmys (3) Emmys (4)
Lead Actor (Drama) Emmys (5) Emmys (6)
Lead Actress (Drama) Emmys (14) Emmys (15)
Outstanding Comedy                  Emmys (7)               Emmys (8)
Outstanding Drama                  Emmys (9)               Emmys (10)
Outstanding Reality Show                  Emmys (11)               Emmys (12)
Outstanding Animated Show Emmys (13) Emmys (13)[3]

Yes. Glee is one of my favorite shows and I think it’s amazing too but I just don’t get how and why its nominated in a Comedy Series… Hmmm… 30 Rock is a Legend by itself… so nothing else may touch it! For the Lead Actress Drama I think Glen Close will walk away with the award… but you never know. And Simpsons… always!! :-)

What do you think of my choices? Do you agree with them? There is a contest on PopSugar where you can predict the Emmy winners and have a chance to win an iPad!!! But it’s only for permanent legal U.S. residents physically residing in the fifty (50) United States of America and the District of Columbia, excluding the state of Rhode Island.

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Blogger Labels: Emmy,Awards,Winners,Part,Beta,continuation,Here,WANT,nominations,CATEGORY,Lead,Actor,Comedy,Drama,Glee,Series,Hmmm,Rock,Legend,Glen,Close,Simpsons,PopSugar,residents,States,America,District,Columbia,Rhode,Island

Emmy Awards 2010: All Winners Revealed!


As you may know the Emmy awards are split up into the Telecast (Performance) awards and the Creative Arts (Technical) awards. The Daytime Emmy Awards were announced this June and you can check out the list of the nominees and winners for the Telecast and Creative Arts.

The Primetime Emmy Awards for the Creative Art category have already been revealed. The Telecast category of Awards will be revealed on the awards night on September 20th on the CBS Television Network. So stay tuned. Here are the most notable and my favourite winners and categories in the Creative Arts Primetime Emmy Awards:

  • Guest Actor in a Comedy: Neil Patrick Harris, Glee
  • Voiceover: Anne Hathaway, The Simpsons
  • Art Direction for a Variety Series or Special: 82nd Annual Academy Awards
  • Choreography: Mia Michaels, So You Think You Can Dance
  • Directing for a Variety Series: Saturday Night Live
  • Editing for a Drama: Lost
  • Editing for a Nonfiction Program: By the People: The Election of Barack Obama
  • Hairstyling for a Multi-Camera Series: Dancing with the Stars
  • Lighting: Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games Opening Ceremony
  • Music Direction: Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games: Opening Ceremony
  • Musical Score for a Series: 24
  • Music and Lyrics: “When I’m Gone” from Monk
  • Non-Prosthetic Makeup for a Single-Camera Series: Grey’s Anatomy
  • Sound Mixing for An Hour-Long Series: Glee
  • Technical Direction for a Series: Dancing with the Stars

For the full list of all the Creative Arts Primetime Emmy Award Winners click here. The big winner of the night was HBO's mini-series The Pacific. It won six awards, including Best Casting for a Movie/Miniseries and Best Art Direction for a Movie/Miniseries. John Lithgow scored Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series for his frightening portrayal of the Trinity serial killer on Dexter. Ann-Margret won Best Guest Actress in a Drama Series for her appearance on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Betty White took home the gold for Best Actress in a Comedy Series for her hosting gig on the most Emmy Nominated TV Show ever… Saturday Night Live. And even though FlashForward was cancelled recently, it won the Best Stunt Coordination.

I will be writing one more post about the Nominations in the Telecast Category, do check it out. It will be quite interesting. But hey… are you happy with the Emmy’s this year so far? Any of your favourites that didn't win??

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Blogger Labels: Emmy,Awards,Winners,Beta,Telecast,Performance,Creative,Arts,Technical,Daytime,June,nominees,Primetime,category,September,Television,Network,Here,categories,Guest,Actor,Comedy,Neil,Patrick,Harris,Glee,Voiceover,Anne,Hathaway,Simpsons,Direction,Series,Special,Annual,Academy,Choreography,Michaels,Think,Dance,Live,Drama,Lost,Nonfiction,Program,People,Election,Barack,Obama,Multi,Camera,Stars,Vancouver,Winter,Olympic,Games,Ceremony,Music,Musical,Lyrics,Monk,Prosthetic,Makeup,Single,Grey,Anatomy,Sound,Hour,Long,Award,winner,Pacific,Best,Movie,Miniseries,John,portrayal,killer,Dexter,Margret,appearance,Order,Victims,Unit,White,FlashForward,Stunt,Coordination,Nominations

Monday, August 23, 2010

If you can type, you can make Movies!

Xtranormal-SarahPalin[4]“If you can type, you can make Movies” is the tagline of Xtranormal. This is a site where you can choose already created flash movies and just type in your dialogues. If you dialogue delivery and scripting is good, you can make a brilliant movie… and i f its good enough then you can post it on YouTube and get a good number of views too!

Xtranormal’s mission is to bring movie-making to the people. Everyone watches movies and they believe that everyone can make movies. Movie-making, short and long, online and on-screen, private and public, will be the most important communications process of the 21st century. Our revolutionary approach to movie-making builds on an almost universally held skill-typing. You type something; they turn it into a movie, on the web and on the desktop. But again, its only animated and nothing like a real movie.

The minimum requirements stated by Xtranormal are these: Windows XP Service Pack 2, 1GB of RAM, 64 MB 3D Video Card with DirectX 9 and Vertex Shader 1.0 support, 1.8 Ghz Single Core Processor

And their Recommended Configuration is: Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista, 2GB of RAM, 128 MB 3D Video Card with DirectX 9 and Vertex Shader 1.0 support, 3.0 Ghz Single Core Processor or 1.5 Ghz Dual Core Processor. Their minimum requirements would be fine.

With Xtranormal you can make a movie with one of their show packs as shown in the images above, with 1 or 2 actors in it, use their free version on PC called State, on desktop or web. You may read their TnC and you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter too.

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Blogger Labels: Movies,Beta,Xtranormal,dialogues,dialogue,movie,YouTube,mission,century,skill,requirements,Windows,Service,Pack,Video,Card,DirectX,Vertex,Shader,Single,Processor,Configuration,Vista,Dual,actors,version,State,Facebook,Twitter,desktop

Pakistan and Russia: Weird Behaviour!

russia-youtubeRussia and Pakistan go along way in history with my country India… but on opposite ways. Russia is one of India’s Best Friends even though India has good ties with the US as well. Whereas Pakistan is the typical next door neighbor who is still fighting with us for a better share in the garden… Kashmir.

But these countries are pretty weird in their current existence. Pakistan was a democracy… it still is… but doesn’t seem so! Then Musharraf regime began, then the Emergency, and finally after everything cooled down somewhat, a government was going to come in place. But then again, its potential leader Benazir Bhutto was killed and they still haven’t progressed ANYWHERE in the case!!! Finally we saw an elected Pakistan Government which again many say is being rules by the Army, President Zardari got into many controversies, the Foreign Minister speaks in different tones every time!

Recently Pakistan snubbed India twice when India offered a small aid for the Pakistan flood victims. If you have read the news reports the JuD and LeT are also offering help to the flood victims and gaining their confidence. Now when all the countries, the UN and your next door neighbor is offering help (in whatever way!) why can’t you just ignore those non-reputed groups, if you can ignore India when they are trying to strike a chord?! Fine… at least after all the fuss from both sides, Pakistan finally accepted the meager $5mn. This makes me curl my forehead at Pakistan’sPakistan-and-Facebook-006 behaviour. They snub India, instigate violence in Kashmir, ban open and democratic web spaces like Facebook and YouTube, but they just can’t take ANY action against these terrorist groups. With 1/5th of Pakistan getting washed away, have they learnt any lessons?

When it comes to Russia… yes, I’m glad that the people of Russia overturned communism almost two decades ago, but then again recently we saw even Russia banning YouTube for some “extremist” material shown. If there are some weeds growing in the garden, you can’t just chop off the entire garden?!! Both materials posted on YouTube in Pakistan and Russia are more against the establishment then to the people. The people are hurt of course, but it is the same people who don’t just go ahead and ban it completely! Reputed Islamic Scholars came on live TV across India and Pakistan saying that the ban wasn’t necessary and just a bold censorship would have sufficed.

After banning YouTube, Russia too joins a long list of governments that have blocked access to YouTubeat some point or another, including China, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Thailand and the UAE. YouTube material has been censored in the U.S. and U.K. which I think the other countries could have followed too! If you are in a “true democracy” you have to let the people decide than decide for the people. If you continue banning things like this, you are encouraging extremism with the common man itself, especially in disturbed countries like Pakistan.

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